Jay R. Scheevel Extended Resume

education | work history | professional society affiliations | professional experience

Formal Education

Jay R. Scheevel holds a B.S. in Geology with distinction (1979) University of Illinois, and an M.S. in Geology (1981) Texas A&M University, Center for Tectonophysics.


General Work History and Focus

Jay formed Scheevel Geo Technologies (SGT), a Limited Liability Company in June of 2002.

He is both President and Principal Consultant for SGT which provides advanced geological and geophysical consultation to the Oil and Gas Industry. SGT specializes in geological/geophysical aspects of reservoir evaluation/exploitation, equity determination, well planning/execution and advanced 3D reservoir-modeling.

Recent projects include use of advanced 3D structural modeling and geostatiscally constrained hydrocarbon volumetrics within a complex structural environment in the Los Angeles Basin, California (USA) (link)This modeling has been used to accurately geosteer and complete numerous successful wells over the last 10 years.

Jay has made contributions in the field of statistical calibration and dramatic improvement of the resolution of 3D seismic data including direct estimation of reservoir petrophysical properties from 3D amplitude data in California, Texas and Colorado (Scheevel, J. and S. Cumella, 2009, Extracting sub-bandwidth detail from 3D amplitude data: An example from the Mesaverde Group,
Piceance Basin, Colorado, U.S.A: The Leading Edge, 28, no. 11,
1362–1367). Extensive proprietaryreservoir prediction from seismic methods were also developed and applied internationally, notably in Angola (clastics) and Iraq (carbonates).  

These techniques are generally based on advancements in of technology published originally in 2001 (Scheevel and Payrazyan, 2001). Other examples of applications to Rocky Mountain Cretaceous tight gas sands is demonstrated for high-resolution categorical analysis in a promotional pdf document and for direct property estimation in a second SGT promotional pd document.

Other recent projects include the mechanical analysis of natural fracture genesis in the Mesaverde formation of the Rocky Mountains . The project included an elastic analysis of the conditions for fracturing under abnormally high pore pressures and mechanisms for gas migration in extremely tight, but fractured host rocks. The results were presented in the 2005 Hedberg conference on tight gas sands in Vail, Colorado and are currently in press.

Prior to forming SGT, Jay held the position of Geological Consultant for Chevron Overseas Petroleum. Joining Chevron in 1981, he held positions in all areas of Exploration and Development Geology and Geophysics, and was heavily involved in Reservoir Management.
His Chevron career was roughly split between Exploration and Production assignments with an additional assignment in research and development. His most recent assignment was in operations as the Special Projects Geologist in Cabinda, Angola , West Africa .

His work introduced advanced reservoir modeling, reservoir-management and well-design/geosteering techniques to ChevronTexaco’s 400+ MBOPD operation in Cabinda . The advanced methods used in Cabinda were leveraged by introducing the use of computer-based 3D modeling (GoCad/SKUA) techniques, some of which were developed and deployed in Cabinda for the first time worldwide (Sullivan and Scheevel 2002).

Prior to joining ChevronTexaco’s Cabinda operation, Jay was assigned to Chevron Petroleum Technology Company (CPTC) LaHabra Research Laboratory. He was involved in active research/development and worldwide deployment of Chevron’s proprietary version of the GoCad 3D earth-modeling package. He was involved in the development of advanced geophysical interpretation, and helped develop an advanced method of geophysically-constrained reservoir modeling using principal component analysis (Scheevel and Payrazyan, 2001). These efforts also included the development of reservoir scale (ultra-high resolution) 3D seismic interpretation, rigorous time-to-depth conversion of seismic data, and geostatistical methods applied to reservoir characterization. Jay has also contributed directly to the development of a variety of other geostatistical techniques in the GoCad software’s G2 geostatistical module.

While serving in the Geostatistics Team at CPTC, he made contributions in the areas of extrapolation of complex surfaces in 3D models, structural characterization in 3D using dipmeter data and application of neural networks to a large variety of reservoir description problems. Jay has also participated in the evaluation of neural networks in various production optimization methods, and has coauthored a paper on the subject (Stoessel et al, 1998


Jay is the author of original PC software for automatic time-to-depth modeling using advanced neural network techniques. This software was used extensively at Chevron for many years. Jay has successfully negotiated for release of this and other neural network software that he authored. He currently uses this software internally on various interpretation projects.

Jay’s continuous 15 year involvement in production and exploration work on West Africa’s Lower Congo Basin combined with regional tectonic analysis based on seismic interpretation of Congolese, Angolan and Namibian seismic and gravity data resulted in presented and published syntheses on the tectonic development of that region (Scheevel and Dale, 1993, Scheevel et al, 1996 & Braccini et al, 1997). Jay has also worked and published on Laramide-aged tectonics of the Rocky Mountain Foreland (Scheevel, 1983).

Throughout his career, Jay has served principally as a line-professional in geology and/or geophysics assignments in Chevron’s Operating Companies. He has made it his role to be involved in the application and testing of advanced technologies under practical working conditions. Jay has a critical eye for what technologies work and which ones do not, as well as how to evaluate new technologies rapidly and effectively in the production environment. He has worked extensively in operational settings throughout the world and has proposed and drilled successful exploration and development plays in the U. S. Rocky Mountains, West Texas, California and West Africa . Jay has also performed more limited work as a consultant on fields in the North Sea, Australia , Papua New Guinea and Venezuela . He has taught multiple courses worldwide on subjects including reservoir-modeling, geostatistics, geophysical interpretation, rock-mechanics, and structural analysis.

During all of his assignments, Jay has worked extensively with reservoir engineers on equity, depletion-planning, and reservoir-management. He understands engineering concepts and knows the downhole environment, operational and drilling constraints. This experience allows Jay to integrate the geosciences with the engineering disciplines in a very practical and effective way.

Professional Society Affiliations

Jay is a member of the AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists), SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers), AGU (American Geophysical Union), GSA (Geological Society of America), Sigma Xi (Scientific Research Society), and numerous regional geology associations. He is a Registered Professional Geologist in the states of California (PG5663) and Wyoming (PG-1042).

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BSc, Geology, 1979 University of Illinois, Degree awarded with Distinction in the Curriculum. Most outstanding Geology Senior award, 1979

MSc, Geology, 1981 Texas A&M University, affiliation with Center for Tectonophysics. Thesis title: Soft Sediment vs. Hard Rock Deformation, Chile Formation, Navajo Nation, Arizona and New Mexico.


Professional Experience (reverse-chronological order)

6/2002 to Present
Principal Consultant and President, Scheevel Geo Technologies, LLC., Headquarters, Grand Junction, Colorado.

Responsibilities include:

  • Coordinating and providing a variety of consultation services in many areas of Geology and Geophysics and Reservoir-engineering support worldwide. Services are custom designed with clients on a project-by-project basis. Services are designed with a goal of maximizing the value added to the client’s operations.

  • Managing all business operations for the company.

  • Research and development of high-resolution seismic processing software focused on sub-bandwidth resolution of statigraphy and petrophysical property prediction from 3D seismic.

  • Active drilling, well-geosteering, supervision and completion of succesful infill field development in complex geological environments..


1/2000 to 6/2002
Promoted to Geological Consultant (4/2000), Rotational 28/28 assignment with Chevron subsidiary Cabinda Gulf Oil Company, Malongo, Cabinda, Angola. This assignment includes the following responsibilities:

·       Reservoir Management/Special Projects Consultation and Mentoring:

1.   Consultation and support for large reservoir simulation and reservoir management earth models.

2.   Expertise and new technology development for reservoir-property prediction from 3D seismic data.

3.   New technology development and technical support while-drilling for complex geosteered horizontal and multilateral wells.

4.   Training and advanced mentoring of high potential Angolan- National geoscientists in support of Nationalization efforts.


8/98 to 1/2000
Senior Staff Geologist, On Temporary Domestic Assignment in Rangely, Colorado, USA. This assignment included a continuation of all responsibilities listed in previous (7/96 to 8/98) assignment (50% of time) plus the following responsibilities (50% time):

·       Reservoir Modeling/Engineering Support:

1.   Development and application/testing of new analysis tools and techniques for evaluation of C02 flood.

2.   On-site support and technical consulting for reservoir model building, model scale-up and flow simulation.

3.   Fractured reservoir model analysis and implementation of modeling techniques in conjunction with other Chevron Petroleum Technology Company (CPTC) research.

4.   Training of onsite personnel in the use of various CPTC and onsite-developed tools for reservoir modeling and flow simulation support.

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7/96 to 8/98
Senior Staff Geologist, transferred to Chevron Petroleum Technology Company (R&D), LaHabra, California, USA. Joint posting: Geostatistics Team and Reservoir Structural Analysis Team. Responsibilities included:

·       Research and Development:

1.   Advanced Reservoir modeling techniques using 3D-seismic in reservoir property prediction.

2.   Statistics and modeling of non-stationary reservoir property populations, including advanced use of neural-networks.

3.   Complex surface analysis and prediction techniques in data poor areas, highly structured areas.

4.   Next-generation seismic interpretation techniques using modern 3D modeling software (Gocad).

5.   Fault and fracture detection/analysis.

·       Consultation and project assistance:

1.   Classroom and on-site assistance for the use of Gocad 3D modeling software.

2.   Geostatistical modeling, and model synthesis for reservoir projects in Chevron Operating Companies (Angola, Australia, PNG onshore US and Canada).

3.   Consultation in areas of structural geology, complex lithology modeling, and complex surface and grid modeling in Gocad.

4.   Consultation and expert consultation supporting Chevron's "parallel-tree" version of the Gocad software.

5.   Lecture and instruction in Chevron's corporate structural geology course.

·       Oversight of Research Partnerships and Sponsorships:

1.   Oversight and mentoring of Gocad (ENSG-Nancy, France) PhD candidate (K. Payrazyan)in the areas of stratigraphic geophysics and reservoir characterization.

2.   Oversight and consultation on the DeepLook Consortium to investigate advanced techniques of predicting bypassed oil in the reservoir. BP-led Consortium involves leveraging the technology of the U.S. Government, National Laboratories.


4/95 to 7/96
Promoted to Senior Staff Geologist and Coordinator of Joint Regional Study of the Pre-Salt, Cabinda. COPI Angola Business Unit. San Ramon California, USA. Responsibilities included:

·       Planning and coordination of this Working-Interest Owners' joint study. These activities consisted of:

1.   Oversight and supervision of the $2.25MM one-year project.

2.   Coordination, logistics and management of the partner-loaned geosciences personnel (Sonangol, Elf, Agip).

3.   Coordination of external consultants and contractors to the project.

4.   Contribution of Chevron's part of the technical expertise on the project.

·       As a part of the technical contribution to the project, I performed:

1.   Workstation interpretation of 3D seismic data throughout the Cabinda Concession.

2.   Regional Velocity modeling for accurate depth conversion.

3.   Stratigraphic analysis for regional correlation.

·       Created and presented an invited poster “Reevaluation of the pre-salt petroleum system of Cabinda, Angola” (International AAPG meeting in Caracas Venezuela September, 1996), in partnership with my Sonangol, Elf, and Agip colleagues.

·       Continued participation as lecturer in Chevron Corporate Structural Geology Seminar. Topic: Structural styles and geology of Lower Congo Basin.


6/92 to 4/95
Staff Geologist, COPI Development Geology Staff, Development Geophysics Group. San Ramon California. Responsibilities included:

·       Participation in an evaluation team for Britannia Field, UK North Sea. Reviewing development plan and technical best practices.

·       Geostatistical modeling of geocellular-based rock properties in Tengiz and Korolev fields in Kazakhstan, and Britannia Field, U.K. North Sea.

·       Workstation interpretation of 3D seismic data in several of Chevron Overseas Petroleum's active concessions in Angola (Cabinda), Nigeria, and United Kingdom.

·       Developing and testing techniques for integration of seismic reflection character and attributes in the evaluation of development and exploration targets in Zaire, Angola and Nigeria.

·       Developing and coding a Neural-Network based, high-resolution velocity-analysis tool (Viper) for accurate depth conversion of seismic data in areas with sparse well control. This tool is still used by COPI as the best available depth conversion tool.

·       Continued participation as lecturer in Chevron Corporate Structural Geology Seminar. Topics: Structural styles and geology of West Africa, AND Geophysical processing and interpretation in extensional terrains.

·       Presentation of a poster entitled "Models of Evolution of the Lower Congo Basin, Cabinda (Angola)" at the AAPG annual meeting (4/93). This poster was later presented as an invited paper at the SEG annual meeting (10/93).

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11/91 to 6/92
Promoted to Staff Geologist, Africa Business Unit COPI. San Ramon, California. Responsibilities included:

·       Workstation interpretation of 3D seismic data over the extent of Chevron's offshore Zaire concession, emphasis on synrift section, structural traps and rift-evolution. Exploration prospect generation.

·       Continued participation as lecturer in Chevron Corporate Structural Geology Seminar. Topic: Structural styles and geology of West Africa.


11/90 to 11/91
Senior Geologist Africa Business Unit COPI. San Ramon, California Responsibilities included:

·       Structural and exploration evaluation of offshore Namibia (formerly Southwest Africa) with emphasis on regional tectonic evolution combined with interpretation of regional 2D seismic and magnetics, and velocity; included co-authoring a successful technical bid-submittal for Exploration Block 2815 in the first round of Namibian offshore O&G licensing.

·       Geologically based 3D velocity analysis and processing oversight for 3D seismic data, Zaire offshore, including all phases of velocity analysis, stacking, migration and depth conversion for both streamer and telemetry-based receiver data.

·       Geological correlations, reservoir and petrophysical property evaluations on existing Pre-Salt fields in Lucula (sandstones) and Toca (Carbonate reservoirs).

·       Continued participation as lecturer in Chevron Corporate Structural Geology Seminar. Topic: Rock Mechanics and Dynamic Structural Analysis Techniques.


10/88 to 11/90
Senior Geologist, West Africa Division Chevron Overseas Petroleum (COPI). San Ramon, California. Responsibilities included:

·       Exploration related to synrift section of the Lower Congo Basin on Chevron operated concession, offshore Cabinda (Angola), West Africa. This included interpretation of both 3D and 2D seismic data on VAX-based interactive workstations.

·       Exploration of detachment-faulted, salt related postrift section of Chevrons offshore concession, Cabinda. This included interpretation of both 2D and 3D seismic data on primarily VAX-based interactive workstations.

·       Began participation as a lecturer in the Chevron Corporation Structural Geology Seminar. Topic: Rock Mechanics and Dynamic Structural Analysis Techniques.


4/87 to 10/88
Promoted to Senior Geologist, Chevron USA Inc., Midland, Texas. Responsibilities included:

·       Geological and Geophysical Exploration mapping, Seismic data acquisition and processing oversight on the Central Basin Platform and Eastern Midland Basin, Texas.


4/84 to 4/87
Development Geologist, Chevron USA Inc., Midland Texas. Responsibilities included:

·       Geological mapping of producing fields, geological aspects of reservoir management, detailed well correlations, petrophysical evaluations from cores, well site geology operations, and well site logging operations for active exploration and production wells.


9/81 to 4/84
Exploration Geologist, Chevron USA Inc., Denver, Colorado. Responsibilities included:

·       Exploration evaluation, prospect generation and structural analysis of the Big Horn, Wind River and Western Powder River Basins.

During this time I participated in a GSA Penrose Conference on Structural Mechanisms of the Rocky Mountain Foreland Province (1982), and was an invited speaker on the forum session at the Rocky Mountain Section of the AAPG in Billings, Montana, 1983 (see below for reference).


5/80 to 8/80
Geologist, Exxon Minerals Co. USA, Uranium Exploration Group, Casper, Wyoming. Responsibilities included:

·       Field mapping, sample collection and section measurement during an initial uranium exploration effort, Southwestern Montana, headquartered in Butte Montana.


5/79 to 8/79
Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Uranium and Thorium Branch, Golden, Colorado. Responsibilities included:

·       Field mapping for geologic quadrangle coverage and uranium resource evaluation, under contract to The Navajo Nation: Navajo lands Northeastern Arizona, and Northwestern New Mexico.

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